Anger Management

face Are you tired of being angry in your relationship, at work, with friends, and anyone who is in your path at that point? Do not let your anger ruin your life and the best relationships. You do not have to allow anger to control you anymore.  Anger Management/Resolution goal is to find the root cause of your anger and reduce your emotions and physiological arousal caused by anger.

Often people cannot control the people, places, or things that would enrage them, nor can people change them, but you can learn how to react appropriately instead of acting out. 

WholeNest Recovery offers anger group sessions and individual sessions. The program is a 16, 26 or 52 group sessions. If you are court mandated, you may not complete these sessions in less than 52 weeks and within a period of 60 weeks from the first group session (unless otherwise specified). Additional time may be recommended to probation if the program goals are not accomplished within this time.

Please feel free to contact me!


Monday - Saturday By Appointment Only